
Monday, November 17, 2014

Thanksgiving Roundup- Links I Love

I am so pumped for Thanksgiving!! This holiday is often overlooked, and let's be real, it's not a big deal- it's just one meal. BUT, this year, my sister, her husband, and my sweet nephew are coming to visit! Which translates to = i'm hosting!
::inserted excited trepidation here::
I've enjoyed not rushing through to my favorite holiday (oh Christmas, you're so close I can taste you!) and simply be joyous and thankful for family and good food.  
So get your fat pants ready, folks!

1. Williams Sonoma full thanksgiving prep timeline. (uhg, I'm already behind!)
2. Choosing the right glassware for your drinks
3. the necessity for pie: The perfect all butter pie crust.
4. W-S tips for cooking the perfect turkey. Step by step.
5. Creative pie crust techniques for the presentable pie.
6. My chosen cocktail for the big day. anything with bacon wins.
7. Martha's 36 recipes for thanksgiving leftovers!

1 comment:

  1. You'll be the best hostess! Stephanie and company are lucky :)
